Summa, Summa, Summaaaa

When do you consider the summer (aka “summa” as I sing it to myself and think of various songs that sing this word out) to start and end? Some consider it strictly by the calendar solstice and equinox. Some consider it by MDW and LDW. Others consider it by the first day the temperature hits and drops a certain degree. For me, I go by the long weekend holidays of Memorial Day and Labor Day. Don’t ask me why. I just do. And going by that timing, I’ve got about one month left in my summa. Which by some association meant in my brain, time to blog!

The summer started off with a proper trip to Mexico split between Oaxaca and CDMX. The above handful of photos are all from Oaxaca, a place I had been dreaming of visiting for a handful of years. Mid-June, I was oh, so happy to land in the sweltering, humid small downtown and explore its nooks and crannies. I stayed in one of the most loveliest boutique hotels and a perfect little spot to set-up shop for some remote work. It had two buzzy cafes, one on the ground floor, and one on the roof, and the latter created a haven to park myself at for hours each day. I took one full day on my weekend to explore an area outside of the city for textiles and to also visit two family ceramic studios. While I cursed myself for only doing carry-on luggage when visiting the area, I decided I’d just have to come back.

My return to CDMX after a decade away was a very different visit this go around. I stayed in the posh verdant (the entire city is a lush green haven) Polanco neighborhood, and I was joined by one of my oldest, dearest friends for her first time visiting. We bopped around to boutiques, toured Luis Barràgan’s home and studio as well as one of his last architectural projects, and also visited the canals of Xochimilco before sunrise to eat a fresh breakfast on an organic ancient farm, called chinampas.

July’s first half was spent touring national parks, Glacier Lake in Montana, and then Banff and Jasper in Alberta, Canada. Let me be the first to say it: I vastly under estimated the Canadian Rockies. I knew it was going to be special as I’ve been pining to visit Banff for the better half of my life, but I just didn’t grasp how majestic the scenery in both Banff and Jasper would be. Shortly after getting home from the trip, a wildfire broke out in the Jasper National Park, and its force of wrecked havoc across the small community and downtown. With a ton of small businesses in peril, tourism on hold, and nature left smoldering, I feel incredibly lucky to have experienced the area in an idyllic time. My heart breaks for the people and town. I’ll be keeping an eye on the progress and rebuilding as I know it will come back, and I look forward to the day when its thriving again.

Ok, travel recap done (there’s more detail and recommendations for sure, but check the ‘gram for my saved highlights), so let’s get to the culled and curated links I’ve been squirreling away over the last few months.

  • I certainly don’t need anymore perfumes. But, BUT if I were to go out on a limb and try one, I’d go for this one that is lux in both notes and price. It whispers Mediterranean just by its descriptor.

  • I’ve slowly but surely transitioned most of my kitchen utensils to metal and wood, and in one of Ruth Reichl’s weekly newsletters, she linked to this wooden kitchen utensil site, and now I’m wondering if I need some wooden tongs?

  • Trying to think of “my phrase” that I’d have customized on a tote by this company / designer that used to work at J.Crew. Thinking something along the lines of “A Great Perhaps” or an Italian phrase that sparks inquiry.

  • Summer screams pie! There’s some easy no-bake pies that are more like cheesecakes that I’m wanting to try my hand at, just need to find the weekend kitchen time to do it: thinking about either this nutella one or this triple chocolate one—both look delightful to the tongue.

  • Not sure when I’ll be able to make my way to the coveted pool or beach side chair at the ‘gram worthy hotel, Palm Heights, but the next best thing could possibly be sporting their beach bag. The marketing around this hotel brand is a case to be studied that’s for sure.

  • Ever the collector of sunglasses, Eyevan is a brand I’ve yet to scoop up, but their titanium frame style has me bookmarking this website where they’re on sale, but there’s also a similar style by illesteva that could suffice and get the job done for a fraction of the Eyevan cost. . . either way, loving this look.

  • Ok, I know I linked out to a tote above, but hear me out: this one is bio-degradable and made with a knit that doesn’t lose its tenacity. Oh, it’s also the same price as a hard back book or a candle.

  • My good friend turned me on to the artist, Jean Julien, and now I’m desperate to own something with his signature “NouNou” design. I’m fond of this oatmeal sweatshirt but the umbrella could really make a bright statement.

  • I’m pretty sure that every list of links I type out here includes a link to glassware, this time, it’s these Sir Madam Empire white ones that are inspired by 1920s and ‘30s skyscrapers and made in Turkey. They could show off a colorful cocktail quite nice.

  • Watching The Bear Season 3 has me evaluating if I need to overhaul some of my cookware (the answer is probably “no”), and I somehow found my way to a line designed by Thomas Keller (of The French Laundry) himself. You know these have to be some of the most suitable and truly trust-worthy investment pieces for your kitchen.

  • Fully admit, I came across this warm weather set by way of an Instagram ad. They work, people. They truly work. Just need to figure out where I’m headed that includes warm weather some time soon…

  • Phew, and wow. This Vulture article’s deep dive into a twisted story of two writer couples and their published pieces on their entanglement is one for the books (literally, if you read the article) but also one I’d love to watch as my next reality show? This would be a rehashed story I could follow week to week.

  • I enjoy always a “behind the scenes” peek into how things are made or done, and brands that showcase this content on social media typically rack up quite the views because everyone wants to have that insider knowledge. Loved this one on Loewe’s men’s shirt and this one from The Getty on how to secure ancient artifacts in case of an earthquake.

  • This past week, the first major US literary prize was awarded by incarcerated people, called The Inside Literary Prize. A jury of hundreds of incarcerated readers from 12 prisons in six states came together to choose one and shortlist four other pieces. I love that the idea of a prize and who gets to choose is expanded to be broader than the status quo.

  • I’m definitely not in need for another table lamp at the moment, but if I were, I’d look to this one to brighten up a space and corner. I love its rice paper delicate material and the soft glow it would inevitably give.