New Year, New Corners, New Links

Well, it’s been awhile, to say the least. This one has been sitting in draft mode for probably a week or two at this point. I say this every time, but I’m not quite sure why finding time and space for the blog in the day or week is such an effort, and I wish it could raise to the top in priorities—but it just doesn’t. I still have four other drafts sitting in the list to post about (hotels visited from 2022) and could now add to it from my recent Scandinavia trip. I spent New Year’s in Copenhagen and then made my way to Stockholm for a few more days, and between the snowy scenery and the hygge interiors of our hotel, Ett Hem, the city captured this warm weather girl’s heart. The above is a view is looking out from our hotel room, and what a quintessential one it is. A lovely winter trip and experience, and still thinking back on it almost four weeks later. Here’s some links and things I’m still thinking of two weeks later (since this sat in draft mode for far too long):

  • David Lynch and Patti Smith convo - I got wind of this recorded convo via Patti’s Substack newsletter (do sign up if you’re a fan!). Here’s a quote that stuck out to me: “We all have shamanistic tendencies, some of us tap into them more.”

  • Here’s a new podcast I’m going to try and listen to and see if I take to it: Gone to Timbuktu, it’s about the art of travel and in conversation with artists, poets, etc., so you see why it’s on my list. . .

  • Mill looks to be another modern attempt to make composting food easier, especially for us city folk. I’m very curious indeed to see how some of the logistical steps pan out around this one. . . but they’re right in their tagline of “food isn’t trash,” and I suspect behavioral change is slowly but surely to happen.

  • New year, new skin? All the things to get there from famed esthetician, Joanna Czech.

  • Telling time through the medium of literature quotes, a lit clock, if you will. Loved this concept, so clever.

  • Tidbit detail from the can’t-escape-book-release, Spare: Prince Harry’s favorite book at school was Of Mice and Men. It made me realize, it’s been eons since I’ve read it, and probably overdue to go back and read this Steinbeck novel. Or to dive into the tell-all memoir? Decisions, decisions.

  • I don’t have any amazing current adult book recommendations right now, but I do have one for children: The Last Two Crayons, written by my former colleague, Leah Freeman-Haskin, “looks at the beautiful world of brown, with a heartwarming and empowering ending that celebrates diversity, creativity and family.” For any of those kiddos in your life that enjoy analog reading, order this stat.

  • Currently watching: Apple TV+ Bad Sisters and Pachinko Both on the opposite ends of the spectrum as far as genre, but both seemed to move a tad too slow for me. So much so, I found myself skipping ahead in 10-sec increments to get through all the b-roll shots, too much annoying overlayed music, and in general scenes that just stretched. I’m not sure what is happening, maybe it’s my patience level? Still all that said, I recommend both to dive into.

  • I’m incredibly behind on my “saved” podcast episodes in my library, but I made it a point to listen to Ezra Klein’s convo with Ada Límon last week, and it was a nice mid-week inspiring convo. Something I didn’t know I needed until it was over. Ada’s voice has got to be one of the most soothing to listen to in all the land.

  • With wave after wave of tech lay-offs happening and no end in sight, this recent Marginalian discourse on Nick Cave’s ideas around existential helplessness had oodles of quotes to ponder about and is relative to the feeling around those hard moments in life.

  • This “experiment” had me screaming “genius!” Artist Michelle Huang used GPT-3 to speak with her younger self via her childhood diaries. There’s an entire Q&A here with the artist and speaks to creativity and cynicism, and self-narration.

  • 183 ways the world got better because with all the media I consume I need this reminder.

  • I loved this Suitcase magazine piece on the Paris-located shop, Marin Montagut. Hoping to get back there and invest in a “secret book” piece for that one-day-soon coffee table living life.

  • My wildest dream: To take Selvedge’s Textile tour—in full. Dreaming big is never hard for me, so I’ll continue to for this once-in-a-lifetime experience some day, year, or decade into the future.

  • The Marginalian’s Favorite Books in 2022 - a list I never try to miss, since I inevitably find some golden reccos.

  • Jupe by Jackie has me pining and pining after their investment pieces, and when I say investment, I mean it. But maybe this is the year, I acquire one of their lovely hand-stitched shirts or dresses. . . a girl can dream!

Kyra Shapurji